Curriculum Guide

Various contents of the curriculum your child will encounter throughout their formal learning years is taught at the preschool level.  Subject areas such as
art, music, science, language and social studies are distinctly a part of our curriculum here at St. Gertrude's.  We also work with the children on their critical
thinking and problem solving skills and fine/gross motor skills.

Play, as well as fostering a development of one's imagination, is an essential part of any preschool program.  Play has many advantages for the preschool
child.  Through play, children are allowed to assume roles, act out life situations, express feelings in a safe and acceptable environment all while combining the two worlds of fantasy and reality.  Play allows children to become creative and to use problem solving skills.

At St. Gertrude's, we offer your child a safe and interesting environment in which to grow.  The various centers in our classrooms represent avenues for
situational development and use of imagination.  There are various centers such as housekeeping, block corners, and sand tables, as well as an indoor and outdoor playground.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

Preschoolers are born curious and very capable of finding solutions to various problems.  Here at St. Gertrude's Preschool we offer children activities that will stimulate their natural ability to think critically.  Under the directions of our qualified staff they are taught to learn how to identify the problem and next
encouraged to think of more than one solution to the problem.

Fine and Gross Motor Skills

Activities that allow children to develop the small muscles of the hand are a continual part of our curriculum.  Children are encouraged to paint, both on an
easel and with finger painting.  Materials, equipment and activities that make a child manipulate with their fingers and hands will develop the small muscles of the hand.  Puzzles, string beads, interlocking toys, and play dough are some examples of these materials.

Fine motor skill development is what allows a child to master the skill of writing in the primary school years.

Gross motor activities allow for the development of the large muscles of the body.  This is accomplished through the use of indoor gym facilities and outdoor playground.  Children need space to run, jump, throw balls, apparatus to climb on, and swings and slides to play on.  All of this is offered in our program.

Language Arts Skills

Programs rich in the language arts offer young children activities and experiences that encourage listening, speaking, writing and reading readiness.  
During circle time and story time our preschool children are given activities that encourage speaking and stimulates listening.  In its broadest sense, story telling and book reading is critical to the development of language.  Through stories, not only do children increase their oral language; they also learn to make a connection to the written page.  Language is a natural part of all other content areas just as it is a natural part of all other life experiences.


The primary purpose of any art program in a preschool is to allow children an avenue in which to explore different media and express their creativity.  We
strive to encourage the child to create their own "masterpiece".  "Process is not product" is our philosophy.  What often may look messy or incomplete to an
adult, is a representation of the world as the child sees it and expresses it.  Every child sees it and expresses it.  Every child's work is valuable enough to be displayed and they are encouraged to talk about their work, once again fostering greater language development.

Social Studies

Social Studies at the preschool level begins with the individual child and the development of their sense of self-esteem.  A child processing a good
self-image is one that will succeed.  The teacher is a key element in helping a child foster a good self-esteem.  Discipline is done in a calm but firm manner. Positive reinforcement works better with young children.  To help children develop an understanding of the societal units of life, various topics such as
family, community, and friends are discussed.  Simple rules of following directions, obeying rules, respecting the property of others, and taking care of
toys and materials, are all part of the social development of all our preschoolers.